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Karen Peters

Counselling and Clinical Supervision

Managing Change

Life is full of unexpected events.  Some are wonderful and some very difficult.  None of us escape them and each experience leaves its mark.  You are probably going through a difficult time or experiencing challenge just now.

Counselling can help. 

Person Centred Counselling works through building a relationship of trust and openness between you and your counsellor. Together we build a safe, confidential place for you to explore the situation you find yourself in and the way it is making you feel, knowing that you will be treated with respect, and acceptance.  You are free to think out loud and express yourself frankly without upsetting or offending anyone or revealing things to friends and family which you may prefer not to divulge.

If you would like to talk to me in confidence about a situation you are experiencing or changes that you are facing, please get in touch.

Counselling sessions are charged at £50 per hour (60 minutes).  Supervision charges are £60 per hour.

How Does Counselling Work?

There is still some level of secrecy – certainly discomfort around counselling.  It can feel quite daunting to acknowledge to ourselves that we need an ‘outsider’ to help us think through our problems.

Person centred counselling is all about the relationship between the counsellor and the client.  The greater the trust that is built, the easier it is to be vulnerable and open in sessions together.

I call the first session a ‘suck it and see’ session because you and I will both be finding out about one another, how we ‘are’ and how we process.  It’s the first step in beginning to relax and feel easy in one another’s company.

I know from experience how powerful counselling can be but I understand that this may be completely new for you so I can make you some promises about my behaviour which may help:

Firstly, I will try never to judge you but always to accept you.

Secondly, I will try always to be honest with you, to share my true feelings with you and not to hide or to pretend.  I hope that when you see that I am genuine you will feel able to be honest with me too.

Thirdly, I will try to empathise with you.  I want you to show me your situation and feelings so that I feel them and understand them from your perspective.  I will check with you that I am doing so and trust you to correct me when I am wrong or if I misunderstand you.

About Me

The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy – BACP for short – is a national organisation which specifies a series of ethical standards for counselling practice.

I choose to be a registered member of the BACP which means that I have undertaken a recognised qualification in counselling and that the BACP have verified that I can practice as a counsellor/psychotherapist.

It is also a requirement of membership that I have regular supervision of my counselling work to ensure that I am offering the best possible interventions to my clients.

I continue to study and attend additional training opportunities throughout the year – this is called Continuing Professional Development or CPD.

I am also a Counselling Supervisor having undertaken the CPCAB Level 6 Course in Therapeutic Counselling Supervision.

I am insured to practice counselling and supervision.

Feel free to visit the BACP website and have a look for yourself:


Get in Touch

If you would like to get in touch you can contact me at: 

or text me on:

(+44) 7903796047